''DAD'S YARD...'' ''THE BACK 40"

Do you ever wish you could go back in time, and do something different? I do I wished I would of appriciated ALL the hard work my Dad put into his Back Yard.He mowed!He watered!He kept it up! And we would sit out back and have coffee together.He'd say "Oh Son Just close your eyes and listen to the birds, Aint it peaceful here." He would mow the back.And all he asked of me wasthat Id mow the front and sides with the push mower.For a year I didnt know the little knob on top would make the mower go for you.(cityboy) He laughed so hard one day when he seen me pushing that dang mower.Made his way over and tapped the button and smiled.....God, I miss the sound of hearing the riding lawn mower. And the smell of fresh grass cut.Nuggett(our dog) would come running in shaking,She didnt dare go out near the Monstor.When Dad would finish Id bring him a cup of coffee.Nug jump in his lap. We would make our way over to the lawn chairs and sit and talk.The sprinkler would be running.Dad was so content.He'd say "There, Now it looks better".Now it takes Me, My Sister,and room mate Jerry , TO DO WHAT ONE MAN DID. Take care of the back "40". Sometimes I stand there and water the trees. I've been planting flowers in Moms flower bed. And added shrubs along the back fence. It brings such Peace to my heart.When Im out back I feel My dads presence.(well its more of memories) I guess you'd say.But I feel close to him,when Im doing yard work.What a great man.A man who loved God, his Family and Life.I am so greatful to have had him 30 years of my 42 years.He was more then a step dad to me. He was a man that chose Me, My Sisters and My Mom to make a life. Readers love your Parents and if your not spending time together,I urge you to do so.Dont ever have a I wish I would of........ Well thanks for letting me ramble on.Here are a few pictures of the "Back 40."We are still working on it. I have plans that I hope to be able to do over the summer. Until next time JOHN


  1. wonderful post, & so true!
    too many parents & gparents are taken for granted.
    i'd love to go back in time, to spend just one more day with my beloved mother, & a day with my younger son.
    have a good wkend.

  2. Good morning John,
    what an impressive entry of yours! As we own a garden now (which in Athens comes close to a miracle) will surely have your writing in mind tomorrow when I'll play with my son in the garden.
    Thanking you very much for what you wrote. Please have a nice sunday.

  3. SNIFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF I love the smell of fresh mowed lawn!!

    hate doing it..just love the smell...lol

  4. It is my belief that your dad is looking down on you all thinking, Well, at least they are trying and then having a good laugh. Looks good to this old lady, and I have been around long enough to know. Actually, John I know there are a lot of emotions and laughs as you all work to make that yard look like "dad's".

  5. I'm glad that you have such wonderful memories. I agree with Lucy, he knows how hard you are trying to keep it up. Take care, Sheila


  7. Your garden looks good - it keeps raining here so can't get much done at all!

  8. Great entry John, It does bring to mind a lot of things. and yes, I know too late, I shoulda spent more time with the wonderful father I had also. Shipslog
    Jack and Sherry in New Hampshire

  9. Such a heartfelt entry John, I enjoyed reading it so very much. We all have things we regret, there is never enough time although we think there is. You know the saying "you don't know what you've got til it's gone". We all take things for granted, thinking people will be there forever. I know I still wish there were things I wanted to say that never got said, things I wanted to do for them that never got done. But the memories they leave behind are wonderful and a treasure. We always have them with us.

  10. Dear John, Thank you for commenting on my blog entry about our neighbour and the fall he took. Also for offering help and information. The e-mail address you gave me does not work so I am having to reply on here.

    John, I am a UK blogger, I live in England and therefore any help you could offer would not apply here. Our neighbour remains in hospital and the paramedics made a note of his mental condition and were going to give the doctors that information. I am sure he will not be released unless his mental state is assessed.

    However, I would like to thank you very much for your kind offer.

  11. great post john.glad you have these memories of your dad. i amsure he would be proud of you taking care of the back 40. cherishyour loved ones..great message.

  12. Ahhh summer, it brings some wonderful times and wonderful memories doesnt it? My daddy to this day still always has a perfect yard, always doing something out there, but he loves it. This was a very nice, heartfelt entry, love it, thanks for sharing the good feelings. Hugs, Kelly

  13. Absolutely love the photo of yourself on the big rock...great pic. enjoyed reading of your memories with your dad in the yard. very similiar to my own memories with my dad. and I even did the same thing with our self- propelled mower..LOL!! thanks for sharing such great stories with us.


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