COVID19 living life in social distancing

                    people wearing face masks is the new norm
                               God bless all the medical responders

Hello everyone, I hope your all doing we;;.These are crazy times were living in. It feels like we are living in a bad sci fi movie, Day 50 something of self isolation and social distancing. Wearing face masks and gloves in the bank. grocery stores have become the new norm. Nowadays  if I see someone not wearing a  mask, I immediately want to distance myself from them.
I work with the elderly. They are a high risk for this crazy cornavirus They have been staying in their apartments for over a month now. .Scared, missing their families. Doing everything they can to stay safe They are trying to find ways to continue living a somewhat normal life. The other day while I was at work  I heard singing coming from the C wing done the hall. I walked down to check it out. Standing in their apartment doors ways 10 feet apart were six neighbors singing ''How great thou are.'' It brought tears to my eyes. To see these elderly ladies singing from their hearts, It was really  inspiring .To hear a hymnal brought memories of my church. I sure do miss my church family. People that I'm use to seeing three times a week for years, but for now we are a  part. The church has not closed. only the building is. We are praying more. We are calling more, video chatting more. We will all get thru this together. Stay safe. Follow the CDC guideline  and be safe out there


  1. Stay safe mate, thank you for all the good you do,

  2. Checking on you, hope you are well,

  3. Please approve my comment....


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  4. Thanks for the time and dedication you've put into this blog


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