Hello my blogger friends, sorry for not writing in a while.For the most part Life has been good.Let me go back a little.In March a long time friend from Church lost her battle to cancer. She was only 46. A Mother of three and leaving behind a husband who was her High School sweetheart.It was very difficul to see the Family at Church mourning a great loss.
 I can say that Irene kept her Faith til the end.She always believed God would heal her from cancer.  HE DID..... just not in a physical way.He gave her a new body and I believe without a doubt shes walking on streets of Gold in Heaven. 

                          I titled this blog to say this..."It shouldnt take a Funeral to have a Reunion" At the funeral I ran into A Mother and daughter who have been long time friends of mine.We attended the same Church for over 15 years.We worked on the Newsletter together and did Childrens Ministry together.But when they left my Church around seven years ago,We both got busy and really didnt see each other that often.We kept in touch through Facebook.When I seen Sister Jenny at Sis Irenes funeral she grabbed me and hugged me and gave me a big smile.I called her "Mama Banda".Even though we were at a funeral we were happy to reunite.
We planned on getting together soon.

                          Three weeks later Im at Church when we got word that Sister Jenny passd away..WHAT??? It cant be true??"I said standing there in shock. I found out later that she had a heart attack and her husband found her.I knew that she had some issues with her heart and had a pace maker put in years ago.She had just retired two years ago.
 I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
                           A week later I found myself back at the same Church that she and I reunited just weeks ago. Her daughter sang Strike up the  band Moms coming home.She sang so beautiful, Im sure her Mom was proud of her....It saddens me how we let time go by, you never know what tomorrow brings.We need to make sure we spend time with our Families and loved ones.Not just an email or tex or comment on Facebook. We need to pick up the phone more often and laugh together.Let them know we  love and appreciate them.
Sorry this post wasnt a light hearted story but I needed to write it.
You all have a Blessed day
Sis Irene and her husband
Mamma Banda I will miss you 


  1. This post is one I hope a lot of people read. Life is so hectic these days. I notice that everybody is rushing all the time. I used to be like that too, till I learned the hard way that living in the present moment is best. Staying present keeps us much closer to those we love, and I think we take them and life less for granted. Losing people we care about is hard. I praise God that our goodbyes are but temporary. I look forward to seeing my loved ones again.
    Take care, John. May God continue to bless you as you bless others.


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