August 2016

Thought Id post an entry tonight Over the pass year a few of us from my Church have been taking food, blankets and clothing down to the river where the homeless are living I have not been able to go with them. I work every Thursday when they meet. Last night my Pastor called me over to him and asked me to go with a brother from our Church down to the river to help move a lady name Carol.
Earlier in the day the Stanislaus County Sheriffs Department acting on the authority of The Corps of Engineer's gave notices to the thirty or more people of which 19 were sighted for trespassing and two were arrested for unrelated warrants. They  were told that they have four days to get out or they could  face jail time and have all they're stuff or lack there of taken from them. I met a woman named Carol and her little dog, She has been staying down by the river since November. She was very polite and tried to smile when speaking to me, Her items were neatly folded in a pile. She needed help carrying her stuff up the embankment to the highway. My heart went out to her and the others gathering up there belongings. The look on their faces, they looked frightened and confused along with being cold and hungry. I imagine it is very overwhelming. Carol said several times I cant think straight I'm so hungry. Thank God we did find her a place to go for now and get her something to eat. A brother from Church took her belongings to his storage for her. I know some people are there because of alcohol and drugs and some are there by choice. But what about the ones 
Soiled scattered belongings becoming a health hazard

like Carol who never imagined they'd be homeless?
My prayer to God, help them keep them warm, keep them safe, Help them get their minds right. Have mercy on them oh Lord. I went to bed feeling gratitude for the roof over my head.That could very easily be me living down at the river. I plans to not forget about the homeless community, what I witnessed today is heart wrenching .Whenever possible I will take extra blankets, offer bottles of water and pray for them. I will be aware of my surroundings and always use caution when approaching someone. My intentions might be all well and good. but in this day and age we have to be careful. I ask any of you that are reading this blog, please reach out to someone less fortunate or in need and let us pray that we don't harden our hearts

Whoever  oppress the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God.....The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor, Proverbs 22:9


  1. Thank you for telling this story, true story, We have a city mission but many times it is full. I used to work about 3 blocks from a bridge that homeless went to,. And we knew the alcoholics from the down and out people that would work if they could find something they could do. There was one man I found that carried his tent and backpack, and said he would not want to leave his life, sleeping under bridges and so forth. He was one of the cleanest.

  2. Oh my goodness that hurts my heart too - you are right - I don't think anyone plans to end up somewhere like that. Glad you helped her. sandie

  3. thank you for being there to show some love to these poor folks. I always say "there but for the Grace of God go I " never judge others by the way they look or live. I join you in p frayers for all homeless people everywhere. from Sybil uk

  4. I was thinking last night about what you said about the homeless. I bet there was a lot of thankfulness. There have been 2 murders in,the homeless community here. However they were the homeless killing each other. Often think it was alcohol and drugs. Our quiet little city of Lincoln, Ne. has turned into a little Chicago, there have been so many crimes.


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