Its been a Good Week

Its been a little while since I've blogged,So I thought Id back trap a little.The weather starting to change a little.Fall in almost here, Hard to to tell by today's weather, It was a warm 92......My friend Mark stopped by with his two kids, His wife was teaching a class at The garden nursery she works sy.Her theme was "Creating your own Fairy Garden" ,25 women showed up to make create their boxes they were very excited about the class.Amie is a great instructor.She answered every question that was asked.The Nursery also provide a live music with violinist and food, hot dog,chips,drinks(water&soda's) They had a good turn out I enjoyed my day.
                                   About 2 p.m. I  dropped Mark &kids off at his house.I came home to got ready to go work.Caring for an89 year old. Woman,She lives at The Estates, its an Independent assisted living place,One&two bedroom apartments.Sarah has polymiositis(affects the muscles)
                                         Church has been awesome.The Youth are really getting involved,Friday was so powerful,There were a lot of tears shed, After Service most of the Church had gone home.About 19 of us stayed.The presence of the Lord was so strong.We just wept.(To a non Christian) This might sound odd.But it was life changing.One by one,Pastor had us come forward and prayed for a family member that is hurting or lost,There was such liberty that night.The Unity and Love of God is hard to put into words sometimes.

                                         Well hope you all are able to stop by my blog not sure if your able to comment.If your having problems
 Please email at So I can try and fix it.
Have a Blessed Day!!!

Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
Your yoong men shall see visions


  1. Hello John. Nice to see you updating your blog. I am just getting used to the new blog format, and don't care for it too much, as I couldn't find my way back to the blog dashboard. Hope this comment goes through.


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