"Thanks for Covering My S......."

Well time to do a little recap of the past week.On Monday I went to the library to make copies of a document for my Client, I realized I had an error on my the letter.Asked the librarian If I could use white out to cover up an "S".She coldly replied "We don't supply the public!!!!!" I walked out a little mad.thinking, what does my 1/8 th library tax increase go towards? , I got in my truck (which by the way I just paid $693 to replace the radiator and hoses) As I drove off, across town to make copies.All of a sudden I felt a sting on my back,I had to pull over and get  fight a bee. off me. I don't know which stung worse the cold librarian who wouldn't cover my" S "or the bee sting.
                                        To make matters worse.My glasses that I bought last Aug... $200 frames broke right in half. they were not under warranty, So now I'm driving with crooked, taped wrapped  frames, .(Help me Lord).But its all good..My truck is fixed.and hopefully soon I can save money for the glasses.
                                          On a lighter note.I got to spend the day with my sister Trisha and my nephew Joe, They came to my house.We watched a movie and went to lunch.And did a lot of laughing.Which I personally believe laughter is good for the soul..I will try and write/read more blogs. I did recently read that Dad from "Dads Tomato Garden" passed away.I've been following his blog for a while now and always enjoyed his entries.I will miss him. My prayers are with his family.Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Glad you did get to spend the time with your family, John. Sorry about all the other things going on though; life seems to be like that, doesn't it?

    If you email me your address, Lv2trnscrb@aol.com, I'll be happy to send you that book to pass on to your client. I rarely read a book twice and it will spare you from having to go and buy it for her. Let me know.



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