•                               This will be a short entry tonight.Well after writing my PRAY IT FORWARD Entry My water pump went out on my truck.The same friend from Church came over and had it fixed in about and hour and a half.
  •                             Again he wouldn't take any money.Im Blessed that's for Sure. I have to do something nice for He and his wife,Just want to do a few quick updates. Yesterday was my Pastor/Friend Daughters' Birthday.She turned 14.I can't believe it.When she was a baby and I would be ushering during Services.(Her dad Preached and her Mom was a Praise Team Singer)
  •                           .So I would hold her and she would fall asleep on my shoulder.Wow, where did the years ago.Now shes becoming a beautiful young lady who love the Lord.She is now on the plat form and Praise sings and plays piano.
  •                         Today was 62 in California.Very strange for This time of the year.I still have Strawberry's growing in my knox box.
  •                         My friend Mark and his wife Amie and the two kids came over and we hung out,Love those two kids they are full of energy They bring my life into my home, that's for Sure.
  •                         Also I received a letter  from my nephew.M. He's in prison.He got into drugs and stole a car.Its sad what  drugs will do to people.He's asking me to pray for him.He's very intelligent and got caught up in it. I do pray for him.(Back to the letter )as I was reading it I had tears in my eyes. Does turning 45 make you sensitive?
  •                         I was home alone (WELL NUG WAS HERE)and it just hit me that my nephew was locked up behinds bars.And had to miss the Holidays.And Im missing him.His release date is is in March.Pray for him Please, Oh ya, One more thing  I came home and my Bathroom window was broken,Very strange,Its a small window in the back of the house, Maybe a bird hit it,At first I thought someone tried to break in.while I was gone for awhile,Theres usually someone here.And I have the big guard dog.
  •                      Ive been reading a lot of new blogs.Very interesting,I need to learn how to add pictures, in between the paragraphs.Any suggestions?Well I better close for now.
  • JOHN


  1. I know how to add pics but thats about it!! loved the update..prayers for your nephew...hope he turns his life around...

  2. adding pics is easy.....I figured it out..took a couple tries ... click on the third icon from the left on the screen you enter your blogg on...follow the directions...I have a nother question for you ....Why don't you go back to school and continue your education? Y probably qualify for a grant of some sort...(just a question)...and none of this I am too old stuff either ..I am a few years older than you....lol

    Love ya


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