Its official fall is here..All though you cant tell it yet here by our California Weather.This has been a strange Summer.Today was a warm day and hasnt cooled down much.Yesterday I had to take My Sister to the doctor.She was so confused.I cant stand to see her like that.The doctor checked her and increased her lactulose.I didnt realize how much the liver affected the whole body.I sat with her til 7 p.m And she was already starting to do alot better.She was tired and wanted to rest in her recliner with her dog Spike laying next to her.So I hugged her and headed home to get ready for Church.I got there almost an hour late.But I thankful I went.My Pastor, Pastor Elias preached on "Dont Panic" God has the last word over any doctors,He looked over at me and said Dont panic Bro John,God has the last word.I felt such a relief. After Church I went home and took Nuggett for a walk, Nuggs always at the door,ready to greet me.Even that helps.I talk to her all the time.Shes my therapist,A Very good listener.After we got back from our walk I put things away in the house,If you read my journal awhile back I had to move they foreclosed on My Parents Home. I stood in the dining room looking around,A feeling of greatfulness came over me.NO,I dont own this house,I am renting.But I have a place to call home.Many people dont have that during these hard times.So yes,I am greatful.Life may be tough right now,But I am not alone.So I thank God for giving me a sound mind and joy in my heart.And will take one day at time.Its time to lighten this blog up and tell more of the good times, Thanks again for letting me vent.


  1. thanks for your kind comment on our blog (a corgi in southern california) I think my son gets pulled over a lot because the type of car he drives is often associated with drugs, and although he doesn't use them, he is being stereotyped and profiled. They pull him over for the silliest of reasons too.

    anyway, it is finally fall like weather here in Southern California with even some rain our way today

    I am sorry about your sister; it is amazing how one organ like the liver can cause so much problems. glad she seems to have good healthcare with doctors to keep her as healthy as she can be

    I like your attitude about being grateful for what you have and your pastor's advice that God always has the final answer.

    I'll stop by as I can


  2. Dear John,
    Thank you for stopping over at my blog (Life After Fifty). My glasses are stronger now, so that helps me to see things a bit more clearer. Enjoyed your post about being grateful, as this week-end is our Canadian Thanksgiving holiday - and I have many, many reasons to be "thankful" this year.
    Sincerely, Rose


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