"Memories are in the Heart,Not the four Walls You called Home"

Hello Bloggers,
Its been awhile since I've written.So much has gone on. My last entry I was told to move out of my HOME for two weeks .Now I I just finished moving the entire house out into a pod.Which is a rent a storage that sets at the end of your drive way.Spent over $300 on that.I was more then willing. I was getting my home back..... Right! They even exempted the sheds and said I could leave everything in them lock them up.But That I had to move out in order to buy the house.I got that in writing about the sheds.My parents pictures and dads tools are priceless to me.OK two Weeks ,turns into a month. So I'm told You need to Move as if your not coming back. Now I'm getting scared. I begin to pray Lord thy Will be done.The Real Estate agent calls me Says ,"You need to let me know when your completely out."Even the patio has to be empty.But the sheds are exempted, Your stuff willbe fine, your getting it back your buying your home again,This is all routine. So I call my Pastor and tell him I have to leave my home.He said If you have to you come live with Me and my Family.. I asked him about a little house my Sister once rented from his dad. He said you know what its yours come and get the keys.I mean he moved me and my room mate right in. A beautiful three bedroom one car garage.Everything new the tile the blinds the paint. And he said Bring your dogs Nugget and Buddy.And he never allowed pets.He said I know you,I know your circumstance. With me work 72 hours a week it was hard to do but got 22 truck loads moved and some in storage that I rented.Now I'm waiting for the appraisal and the escrow to go Thur to move back. If its Gods will. My house sits empty.But my heart rejoices.For God is surley with me easing the pain along the way..This is a long entry so the second part Ill write this week."THE BANK BREAKS MY LOCKS AND TAKES MY SENTIMENTAL STUFF" Thank you to all who have followed my story.My goal is to write again here.But know that God is Good. every obstacle that hit me.And believe me their were many.Gods hand carried me.. over them
Signing off for now


  1. John you are going through so much stress, but what a great man your Pastor is helping you in the way he has done and is doing. My prayers are still with you but the title of your piece is so right - Memories are in the heart. Keep strong.

  2. Dear John,

    Just wanted to stop by to say hello and tell you that I am praying for you.
    I remember while going through my cancer treatments that God tells us He will never put us through more than He knows we can handle..I thought "well God you must think I am stronger than I do"

    I wish that I lived closer so that I could come alongside and help you...but I will just have to tell you that you are IN my prayers.

    Love, blessings, and hugs,

    ALBERTA Lori


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