Hello everyone ,its been a few days since I wrote an entry.I have been working alot of hours.I've been doing 24 hour shifts for a client I assist.She had gotton sick ans spent eight daays in the hospital.Shes home now and requires 24 hour care for now.With Gods help she will be up and at it again in no time. We had a good laugh.She was tellin me the five balloons I took up to the hospital got away.Another caregiver was driving her home and rolled down the window.And all of them flew up up and away. She was laughing so hard she had tears.It was nice to hear her laugh.Sometimes she will do or say something that will remind me of My Mom. I miss my Mom so much my heart hurts.But I know she's looking down upon me and hapy that I continue to care for others that need it. Remember me writing about my great neice Shaylynn.Shes doing great.She never had to have the surgery.And her Mom.My neice Darlean was able to get a job.What a Blessing..I have the weekend off.Im looking forward to Church on friday and Sunday.Such an awesome place to be.I am Blessed with great friends. My side job is beginning to take off Doing photography.I got a booking in Oct for a huge family reunion and a wedding coming up.Well I hope everyone is doing wellI will get back here soon.Oh I am hooked on Farmtown on face book.I amfianally living out my dads dream,To live on ranch.even if it is a computer reality game.LOL


  1. thought you said you'd NEVER go to FB? lol caught ya!
    why don't you pick that little lady up some more balloons, you can get some at walmart preety cheap & have them blown up at the layway dept. or get some already ready upfront, but they might cost a little more, not sure, also check your local gro stores some have them there too.
    have a good week.
    i miss my mom too, more than words can say. {{{{}}}}

  2. I am sorry to hear that your client has been sick. Just glad she is coming home and is feeling better. I am in face book but do not like it there, nor My Space and I am in there also. I would like to cancel account in My Space but I will let you in on a little secret, it is easier to get in than out.

  3. Morning John,
    Here I sit at the computer with my French Vanilla Latte and a couple of pieces of toast.. Hubby is still sleeping...seems his sleep pattern has gone all loopy.
    I was on Facebook until something happened that was SO blasphemous by them I left. I had taken one of those silly quizzes just for fun but then when then answer came up I would have thrown up if I could
    Anyway I like this site...
    John, you sound like a young man that has his head on right...
    Yes, one misses their moms no matter how long it has been. My mother (adoptive) went home to be with the Lord on Dec. 13/1967.
    I so wish we would have had times to be "friends" as I was still very young then.
    Two of my best friends are my girls.
    Sending you blessings,

    Love ALBERTA Lori

    PS your contact information still does not work??

  4. Dear John just like you I miss my Mum so much ~ and I know they are looking down on us and taking care of us ~ It is good to catch up with you ~ Ally x

  5. I hope your client continues to mend well. I love it too when someone can have a good laugh. Good luck in the photography, Sheila

  6. I'll bet your client enjoys a good laugh with you. Good for her and for you. Have a good week.


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