Hello everyone.Ok this is really crazy. Im sitting at home on tuesday night.Got my laptop out and relaxing on the couch.Got the curtain pulled back some. So Nugg(my dog) can look outside.(like she always does.)All of a sudden I get this weird feeling.I tell myself Im sitting right in front of the window and someone could do a drive by. So I laid down on the couch.Instead of closing the curtains(.And cutting Nuggs entertainment short.)So about 45 min goes by.Im enjoying reading your blogs.Room mate and Buddy decided to go for a quick walk its around 8p.m. and finally cooling down.So I log off and go out back. Watering the yard and thanking God for the house and for keeping my parents home so far.Jerry and Buddy come back and are sitting in the patio. Me and Nug are bonding and I hear five gunshots. I said come on Nug.And we headed for the patio.I didnt want bullets falling are way.Then I asked my room mate is that Gun shots? Are is it early fireworks.He wasnt sure. So we were sitting there. IAnd we hear sirens a few blocks over. I decideded to go in to the house.And i seen red and blue lights everywhere,ITS IN FRONT OF MY HOUSE. We run out.Come to find out two guys did a walk by and shot two guys.One guy had to hold his pants up to keep from tripping,The lady on my left seen everything. One on hit in the stomache and one in got hit in the butt. It was a gang retaliation.The 8 year old boy who lives next door to me was playing in his yard and he saw the whole thing.Come on,this is getting out of control.I prayed a hedge around my house. Later I remebered that weird feeling at the window. In 30 years we never had that on my street.The two boys lived and NO arrest are made. What has happened to our World.


  1. John you are protected by God that is for sure! Glad you weren't sitting in that window when the shooting happened.

  2. your guardian angel was beside you. {{{}}}
    have a good wkend.

  3. Joe and I say all the time, "what is wrong with this world"? My answer is, and it will never happen, I was born in 1929, if we could go back to the days when people knew what work was, simple fun, like for me , we drew hopscotch games with a stick in the dirt and had a barrell of fun. Now it is Ipods, games, GUNS ARE A COMMON WAY OF settling a problem. I believe God can only do so much for any of us. No matter how religous you are or how much you pray. I am truly glad my mom is not with us to see how this world is, completely out of control. If I had the faith she had maybe I would be a better person.

  4. That is so awful, I hope everyting okay with you and your neighbors.Yes, I agree on the "What Happened to Our World?". Glad thing doing ok. I love your God Bless America name tag on your sidebar. Have a good weekend. Nancy

  5. John what an awful thing to happen just outside your house ~ I too wonder what this world of ours is coming to ~ hope you and your neighbours don't have anything like this happen again ~ Ally x

  6. Thank God you moved away from the window! Who knows what could have happend! Someone was looking out for you.

    Enjoy your weekend.

  7. So glad you paid attention and it is a crazy place we live in today. In Wash DC, there is a shooting everyday and it is the young people being killed off. It is tragic.

  8. Hi John
    I decided I would go through my list of followers to see whom I have not been by to see lately. And apologize for being a baaad blogger. I haven't felt up to blogging a lot in the past 7 months. I had a hospitalization last November where I nearly died. It's taken a toll and I just had another foot surgery 4 1/2 wks ago,that is taking longer to heal than it should have due to infection.
    Thank the GOOD LORD and LUCKY STARS that you moved away from that window. Guns have been a way of life since the settlers came to this country. It's a crying shame that they are being used to kill people instead of providing safety or food as they were originally intented. I am all for the right to bear arms. I also believe you keep those arms locked and unloaded until you have a wolf at your back door or an intruder at the front. LOL Guess that's the farmer's daughter in me.
    As for your financial trials that you are going through with your Dad's debts...that's also a shame. Since I know nothing about those things, I will pray for the best outcome for you. Take care of yourself & STAY safe.
    Barb *queenb

  9. Wow! what a terrible thing to happen right in front of your house (or anywhere else.) I'm glad the two victims survived....and I don't know what this world is coming to.

  10. I believe that the good Lord was warning and protecting you John. So sad that little child had to witness this evil.


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