
Showing posts from June, 2016


We live in a time where everyone is obsessed with staying connected, We post photos of our food,We feel the need to let people know we are waiting in line at  the DMV,Addicted to  emojies(putting a smilies face at the end of a text.)We can video,take a picture, type a letter,order food, listen to music  watch a movie,And see photos  of a strangers trip to bora bora..all with our dell phones.Yet we can't make eye contact  when standing next to someone,  we automatically pull out our phones and eyes shift down and there is silence.We are losing out ability  to have a conversation. No need to take the time to dial a number and carry on a conversation  we can just text and Multi-task.We need to wake up people before human conversation  becomes extinct. I'M DONE RANTING I NEED TO POST THIS AND CATCH UP MY READING ON FACEBOOK   PIMENTEL