
The Agency called me to open a new case.He was an elderly gentleman age 82.Physically he was in good health.Mentally he has a little confusion.I showed up at 9am sharp.Mr Katz met me at the door.He wore a three piece suit he shook my hand with a firm grip."Come in " He said speaking very professionally."Say hello to Don Quixote" next to his double doors was a tall statue of Don Quixote I smiled as he directed me towards the kitchen bar area.His house was very nice Black leather sectional couch and a leather recliner.
The carpet was a mauve color,His diningroom was connected to the living room He had a long marble dining room table with ten high back leather chairs very nice, As we sat at the bar he began to tell me he needed a driver for various appointments.He said"In fact drive me to my bank I have some last minute business to do."He grabbed his brief case and I drove him to the bank.He told me politly to wait in the car.I kept my eye on him through the banks glass windows.When he walked in he sat down and sipped on a glass of water.After about half an hour he came out an said "All done lets go home and have dinner Im famished"I thought to myself thats odd he didnt do any banking.We got back home and I heated up leftovers that his son had prepared earlier.We sat down to eat and he leaned over and wispered to me in a stern voice "Dont be rude offer them dinner and he glanced over at the empty chairs.I realized  he had halucinations.I went to the kitchen and grabbed eight more dinner plates.His brief case was sitting opened on the counter. Glancing over at it it was empy,I felt bad for him.Apparently his mind was stuck in buisness mode and the bank was aware of his situation. "Skip" had been a radio talk show host for 30 years his theme was politically based and he said our Country was heading towards a Socialist Government.
             He spoke up" Put the plates away everyone left"
           "How did they leave Skip"
            He grinned and said
           "Don't be coy with me,They left by jumping in the fridge"

           As caregiver I had to learn how to guide a person thru very difficult times and some days were very long and heart breaking.
            I cared for Skip almost a year and I he taught me so much.

         Hallucination refers to when a person sees,smells,hears,or tastes something that does not exist.


  1. Sad, but surely very interesting and unpredictable. You're doing a great service with that which you do!

  2. Isn't it strange how they stay fairly sharp. I saw a show on TV about how they had narrowed the ones with dementia down to many mini-strokes. Showed lots more brain activity with the dementia and the alzheimers brain scans were just nearly bland. I was short time care giver after my son passed away from severe MS. I had a delightful man with alzhiemers and he was a joy to be with when his wife needed a break.. He was about in the mid stage of alzhiemers.

  3. Takes a certain kind of person to do your job and I think you're good at it.

  4. I can't think of a more rewarding job than what you're doing John. The fact that I am now 78 and will be 79 in April is a reminder of just how quickly time passes. I am blessed in millions of ways, one of them being that I have such an awesome support system, both online and off. I am so proud of you, admire you for your integrity, your gentle, sweet heart, and your love for the Lord. Those you care of are blessed to have you in their life. Take care dear heart. Love you much.

  5. Barb
    Thank you for the kind words,I always said I want to care for others as if it were my Parents being cared for and. To show the Love of Christ.with out being preachy lol I thank God for meeting you thru our blogs and Blessed to know you
    Much love and respect


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