Tried foreclosing on my home

Hello BloggCheck Spellinger's,

Let me up date you.Oct 20Th at noon my home went into foreclosure.13 months Ive fought this nightmare and I had the money to pay them off three weeks ago.How frustrating is that?.I cant even begin to tell you how helpless you feel.My lawyer dropped out of sight three weeks ago(hope he's doing OK) Thank GOD for my loan agent.He was down there at the court house.He said there were such cut throat people buying up other peoples homes.I was suppose to be there.Couldn't get out of bed.Ulcers got the best of me.So he handled it.There was a bid, but he stopped it.Now it seems I might get MY HOME at a lower cost.Will know in seven to ten days.Pray for me that this all goes Thur and this nightmare is behind me once and for all.i DO NOT want to lose my home my Mom built with her bare hands.We've had in the family thirty years.Its means everything to me.Again thank you for letting me vent.F.Y.I. I'm eating raw ginger root to heal Ulcer.I pray it heals me.Take care and stop by again My home would be the greatsest birthday present I could ever receive.Turn 43 on Oct 25th.GRANDPA John lol

Blogging off for now JOHN


  1. Happy birthday man, hope that God will grant your wishes especially regarding your house!

    By the way, I am trying to generate some support for our daughter. We entered her into a Smile Contest, and was wondering if you could please vote for her (just once), the contest runs until October 31st. Your vote would be so much appreciated.

    To cast your vote, please go to this link. Please look for Jillian Rylie Cottrill.

    Thank you very much!

  2. so sorry to hear about this john, will hope something turns around for you. putting you on call 4 support to send a few others to offer support.
    sending up a prayer.
    HB dear john, hope you have a good day. ;)

  3. That would be the greatest birthday for you if your ulcers would heal and your home could be saved at an even lower cost. Sending up prayers for you. Helen

  4. Prayers for a birthday wish fulfilled. Happy Birthday!

  5. Happy Birthday
    and...praying you don't lose your home!!

  6. black licorce root thickens mucus in the stomach lining

  7. Happy Birthday and may all your birthday wishes come true...

  8. Happy B day John...things always work out...I am a planner and I try and stop doing that...because God's plans always work out to our good!!

  9. Happy Birthday John, praying all goes well and your ulcers heal. Sheila

  10. Belated Happy Birthday John. I will pray that your home is saved and you can go on living there with peace of mind. I will also pray for healing for you.

  11. Hi John, I hope and pray the house stays with you. And Happy Birthday to you. Stop by my blog when you have time. I made an entry a few days ago, and today it'll be the second part of the entry with pics of the trip.

  12. Thank you everyone for your prayers and support.I am going to go to each one of your blogs and comment.I receive those prayers whole heartly for healing and for my home.GOD BLESS YOU ALL

  13. Please excuse for being late to concratulate you upon your birthday.
    Remember still the post you wrote about the house...even though mills may grind slow, am convinced that they will provide the good result you are waiting for.
    All the very best for you.

  14. happy birthday sweetie.....and ummm 43 is NOT old....hope all goes well with your house.


  15. Hi John, coming from Call For Support. Sorry to hear about your home, praying it can be saved! Happy Birthday
    Take care,

  16. Dear John

    A belated Happy Birthday and may the good Lord grant you many more of His ever loving grace towards us.
    You are just a year younger than my son who is living with us for now.
    Tonight my prayers will be concentrated on your petition.

    Bless you John

    Love ALBERTA Lori


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